Venezuelan cult draws tens of thousands of followers

SORTE MOUNTAIN, Venezuela, (Reuters Life!) – The  jungle air is thick with cigar smoke and pierced by an  occasional scream as drums beat, people chant and candles  flicker illuminating bodies squirming.
Empty whisky bottles strewn across the ground are also a  part of the ritual which is hundreds of years old.
“I still feel very cold thanks to the presence of the  dead,” said Ana Maria Caraya, who remembers her 15-minute  trance as a dream. “I fell asleep. I feel nothing more.”
The 25-year-old is one of thousands of believers in the  cult of Maria Lionza, who is thought to have been born in the  16th century and was the daughter of an Indian chief.
Her followers travel to the jungles of the Sorte mountain  in Venezuela’s Yaracuy state for one week each October looking  for healing and protection.
No one is certain about the origins of the cult, which  includes aspects of Catholicism and African worship, or the  number of followers. Estimates range from 10 percent to 30  percent of Venezuela’s population.
Official believe about 20,000 followers, from Venezuela,  the Americas and even Europe, descend on the mountain in  October.
Caracas-born Eloy Parra is the medium who led Caraya in her  trance, channeling the spirit of a 10th century Viking explorer  who is now saint for the cult.
“What we’re doing here is cleaning her aura with candles so  she does not encounter earthly obstacles,” said the  34-year-old, who was wearing only beads and shorts.
“Maria Lionza is the greatest thing we have here in  Venezuela,” she added.
Followers of the cult believe their chosen saint will  possess the body of the medium who entices the follower into a  trance in which they often speak in tongues or harm  themselves.
Maria Lionza is known by members of the cult as La Reina or  the queen. Angelina Pollok-Eltz, a former professor of  anthropology at the Andres Bello Catholic University in Caracas  who has written a number of books about the cult, said it began  in the Sorte mountains in the early 1920s and was brought to  Venezuela’s urban centers a decade later.
“The majority of the believers are members of the lower  classes,” she added.
The latest trend is the worship of saints dedicated to the  thugs that plague the streets of one of Latin America’s most  crime-ridden countries.
“The cult of Maria Lionza is like a mirror of Venezuelan  culture and society,” said Wade Glenn, an anthropologist at  Tulane University in the United States.
“Whenever there is a significant change in the cult, we  must ask ourselves what is occurring in Venezuela to cause such  a change,” he explained. “People use Maria Lionza as a coping  mechanism for life’s hardships, as a form of survival.”
Wade believes that estimates of the number of members who  take part in the rituals may be much higher.