The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport’s Inter-block knockout football tournament dubbed ‘Seven-Fifteen’ kicks off tomorrow at Victoria, Ann’s Grove and Buxton on the East Coast Demerara.
This competition is held this year with the aim of having a grand final for $150,000 on November 26 at the Georgetown Football Club (GFC). However, in the initial stage the winning team from each village will receive $50,000.
Subsequently, there will be a playoff among the top East Coast teams and the winner will move on to the national playoff. The finals will be held under floodlights.
Parliamentary Secretary Steve Ninvalle, speaking on behalf of the Sport Ministry yesterday, said the tournament is being run with the aim of fostering camaraderie among villages and people. He also said that the ministry will be distributing balls for the competition and will be helping with the sprucing up of venues.
He said the ministry will be paying for every aspect of the competition but if villages want to raise funds to push development they can charge a fee at the gate as Ann’s Grove has decided to do.
“Ann’s Grove is saying, ‘listen we are in need of finance’ so they can hold a gate. In each respective village if they want to hold a gate the prerogative is theirs”, Ninvalle explained.