Dear Editor,
The President’s pension should be a concern to all Guyanese. In particular, younger voting-age Guyanese should know explicitly that it is their and future generation‘s hard labour and resources that will be used to pay for this huge financial burden. It means that they will have to continue supporting the extravagant lifestyle of their former President while they and their children can barely survive on their meagre subsistence wages.
Numbers to consider:
Guyana-GDP per capita (US dollars) – $3,900 (2008 est)
USA GDP per capita (US dollars) – $47,000 (2008 est)
President Jagdeo’s pension (only) – US$180,000 (46 .2 times Guyana’s GDP per capita)
President Clinton’s pension (only) – US$201,000 4.3 times USA’s GDP per capita).
It is imperative that young voters, particularly working-class and ordinary Guyanese consider the situation that we are in if the PPP is allowed to con us in letting them remain in power. We who are of voting age, all have a tool. We should use that tool and vote to send a clear message about what we will not accept. All young voters should be non-violent, peaceful, humble, patient and vote against everything that the PPP stands for, especially the presidential pension of President Jagdeo.
Younger Guyanese and working class Guyanese should go out and vote. Take your friends with you to the polling stations and enter and vote.
Yours faithfully,
Anand Daljeet