The Ministry of Health collected about 55 pints of blood on Saturday from a blood drive hosted by the West Demerara Arya Samaj and the Vreed-en-Hoop Arya Samaj.
In a press release, Vishnu Bandhu, President of the latter group, said about 100 persons turned up to donate blood, though several were refused for various reasons.
Minister of Health Dr Leslie Ramsammy visited the location and applauded the work of the staff undertaking the exercise and gave encouragement to the donors. He also noted that this was not the first time that the Arya Samaj had undertaken a blood drive; one was held in July 2010.
Officials from the Arya Samaj informed the minister that they plan to host two blood drives per year and to organise a number of community outreach health programmes.
The Arya Samaj also plans to provide food and clothing for destitute and underprivileged persons and to distribute toys and sweets to needy children at Christmas. Plans are also in train for other projects in the West Demerara area, the release said.