PPP/C accuses opposition of trying to exploit ethnic sensitivities

The PPP/C yesterday accused the opposition parties of trying to exploit racial and ethnic sensitivities as the elections approach  and said it intends to raise the issue with International observer missions that are here to observe the 2011 elections.

PPP/C campaign spokes-person Robert Persaud, at a press briefing at Freedom House,  indicated that the party’s presidential candidate Donald Ramotar has since raised the matter with the Commonwealth Observer team and will be moving to raise the matter with the Organization of American States (OAS), the United Nations (UN) and the Electoral Assistance Bureau (EAB) and other such bodies.

“The Opposition parties and groups associated with them have been overtly and subliminally have been pandering to race and attempting to exploit racial and ethnic insensitivities at these elections.  We have received copies of publications and even reviewed statements being made on the platform and elsewhere which do not aid the cause of national unity,” Persaud said yesterday, reading from a prepared statement.

“We believe that these insidious appeals by these parties can incite irreparable divisions, excite racial prejudices, and undermine the peace and security that is necessary for the exercise of the will of the people and more importantly can become the pretext for post- election disruptions.

Persaud was joined at yesterday’s press conference by Muslim Leader Warren Barlow, Pastor Kwame Gilbert and  Pandit  Jagmohan Persaud , who each called on Guyanese to strive for unity.