The Press Trust of India is reporting that legendary Bollywood actor-filmmaker Dev Anand’s last rites will be performed in London on Saturday. His ashes will then be flown to India for a memorial ceremony in Mumbai, PTI said. The news agency said that this was decided after the late actor’s wife Kalpana Kartik, and daughter Devina arrived in London this morning from Mumbai. PTI said that the family confirmed that the funeral of Bollywood’s ever green hero would be held on December 10 at 11.40 am at the Putney Vale Crematorium here. It will be followed by a memorial service at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan here the same day at 2 pm. PTI said that the ashes will later be taken back to India, where a ceremony of remembrance will be held in Mumbai. Dev Anand died of cardiac arrest on December 3 at the Washington Hotel here at the age of 88.
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