Neal and Massy (N&M) Group of Companies treated about 400 children

Neal and Massy (N&M) Group of Companies treated about 400 children from the Ruimveldt area when it hosted its annual Christmas parties at its staff facilities at Ruimveldt and the Demerara Oxygen Company (Docol) simultaneously. In a press release, N&M quoted Human Resources Coordinator at Ainlim Fazeika Singh as saying that it rang in the festive season with 240 children from Riverview, Meadow Bank, Alexander Village at the staff facilities and with 160 children from Agricola, Eccles, Houston and McDoom at Docol. The presence of Santa Claus and his helper Mickey Mouse, along with entertainment from the Tons of Fun Party Service added to the children’s glee. Singh said the parties are held annually in the areas where the group operates to spread Christmas cheer in these communities. In photo: The children can barely contain their excitement when Santa Claus arrived, greeting him with open arms and broad smiles.

Neal and Massy (N&M) Group of Companies treated about 400