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Growing the Kordes Perfecta RoseGrowing the Kordes Perfecta Rose

Kordes Perfecta is a fragrant pink blossom with vigorous, shrubby growth. Like many tea roses, Kordes Perfecta grows well from cuttings and will reach a mature size in just a year or two. Although many gardeners consider it fussy, Kordes Perfecta is resistant to most diseases and will thrive if provided with a fertile bed with full or partial sun exposure. But it does require regular feeding and pruning to prolong its blooming period and look its best.

To start off, fill a 3-inch round pot with potting soil and drizzle water onto the potting soil until the top half feels moderately moist when probed. Allow the moisture to distribute throughout the soil for a minimum of 10 minutes.

Cut the base off of a clean 2-litre soda bottle using scissors. Remove the cap. Set aside the bottle for later use.

Gather a 6-inch-long section of stem from a healthy, vigorous Kordes Perfecta rose. Select one that is approximately the same thickness as a pencil. Choose one with no flowers or buds and at least two pairs of leaves. Make an angled cut with a pair of pruning shears.

Remove all but two pairs of leaves. Insert the Kordes Perfecta rose cutting to half its length into the prepared rooting pot. Press the potting soil against the stem.

Place the potted Kordes Perfecta rose cutting in a warm, bright spot away from harsh sunlight. Place the 2-litre soda bottle over the top of the pot to create a mini-greenhouse around the cutting.

Remove the soda bottle every few days to remoisten the soil. Keep it barely moist at all times. Check for roots in one to two months. Keep the Kordes Perfecta cutting in the pot and under the soda bottle for a week or two before planting it out in the garden.

Transplant the Kordes Perfecta rose into a sunny or lightly shaded bed with well-draining soil. Amend the soil to a depth of 10 inches with mildly acidic compost if it is very heavy or sandy.

Feed the Kordes Perfecta rose once a month with 4-8-4 ratio fertilizer. Defer to the label instructions when applying the fertilizer to minimize any potential harm to the shrub. Water it after feeding.
Water the Kordes Perfecta rose with 1 inch of water once a week. Avoid splashing water onto the foliage to keep the rose from developing powdery mildew.

Prune the shrub to remove any dead leaves, spent flowers or damaged branches. Use clean pruning shears when working on the Kordes Perfecta rose bush to minimize the chances of passing on a fungal or bacterial infection. Avoid hard pruning to preserve the shrub’s shape. (eHow)

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