Stabroek News

Van Halen with Roth release single “Tattoo”

NEW YORK, (Reuters) – With frontman David Lee Roth  back on board, American rock group Van Halen released on Monday  their first single and video with the flamboyant frontman in 27  years.
The black and white video for the new song, “Tattoo,” from  the band’s upcoming album, “A Different Kind of Truth,” shows  Roth and the Van Halen brothers, Eddie and Alex, performing on  stage complete with a trademark guitar solo, and Roth, now 57,  singing and dancing.
Roth returned to touring with Van Halen in 2007 after  leaving in 1985 for a solo career that included the hit remake  of the Beach Boys classic, “California Girls.”
The new album will be the first for the rock group, whose  first album “Van Halen” was released in 1978, in 14 years. The  group was admitted into the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame in 2007.
The group produced such hits as “Jump.”

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