Stabroek News

Nismes pond remains unfilled as half of allotted time passes

With a week gone of the two-week deadline given by Education Minister Priya Manickchand to Region Three’s administrative and education officials to have the pond in front of the Nismes Primary School filled, works are yet to start.

Manickchand had visited some schools in the region last week Friday, where she blasted officials for not carrying out the tasks under their mandate, while explaining what is expected of them.

She was also peeved that she was told that the pond in front of the school had been taken care of but found that not to be the case, a situation she deemed “unacceptable”. She then gave the officials in charge two weeks to have it completed.

The pond in front of the school

But when this newspaper spoke with Regional Chairman Julius Faerber on Thursday the contract was yet to be handed out. Faerber said the Regional Executive Officer was responsible for the project and he was unable to discuss it, since he had no details of it.

However, during the minister’s visit, the officials had related to her that they have Puran Bros Contracting Services in mind for the job, since the region did not have the necessary machinery to properly carry out the job and promised it will be done in the allotted time.

Minister Manickchand gave the officials the two-week deadline, which she said she did not intend to change. Efforts to contact officials yesterday for an update proved futile.

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