(de Ware Tijd) PARAMARIBO – The influx of Chinese immigrants in the past years was politically and strategically motivated. Some political parties’ policies were aimed at inviting many Chinese to the country as entrepreneurs to break the might of the Hindustani economic elite, concludes social scientist Marten Schalkwijk. Next Monday Chinese immigrants will celebrate the Year of the Dragon just like the millions of other Chinese in other parts of the world. The latest flood of Chinese is not an unplanned phenomenon. Schalkwijk explains that this is a deliberate strategic move by certain political parties targeting the economic might of Hindustanis. And they have succeeded. ‘Who owned all the shops the Chinese have bought or are now renting? Even the incumbent Administration has an open-door policy towards Chinese, but their objectives are different. Powerful China has to be befriended, keeping access to loans and grants open now that development aid from the Netherlands has dried up. ‘This is simply a shift from economic power.’ The Chinese group now has more economic power. ‘These developments do not go unnoticed, but are part of a strategy and China probably has a hand in it,’ the scientist says. By directing its subjects to reside outside of China as entrepreneurs and importers, the motherland can export its products. Because of its financial backing, this group has now also achieved some sort of political influence. They finance political parties which facilitate the acquisition of industrial licenses and support from government facilities. The National Party Suriname (NPS) has had a Chinese branch for years, but now the National Democratic Party (NDP) seems to invite Chinese sponsoring, says Schalkwijk.