Stabroek News

Cyril Shaw widened nation’s cultural awareness

The Ministry of Culture says Guyana has been richer for the lifelong contributions of late promoter Cyril Shaw, saluting him as a Guyanese who used his skills and talents to broaden the nation’s cultural and musical awareness.

In a press release, the ministry said the long list of international artist Shaw promoted in Georgetown is notknown, though it includes legends such as the late Louis Armstrong, Marian Anderson, Mahalia Jackson and his protégé, The Mighty Sparrow, Small Island Pride and Byron Lee’s Dragonnaires. Shaw also promoted sporting events, which provided youths with role models to emulate.

Cyril Shaw

“Through discreet publishing projects for the then People’s Progressive Party (PPP), he even found time to contribute to the country’s anti-colonial struggle when he was not touring the global world of entertainment with his coterie of clients,” the release said.

The ministry praised Shaw’s efforts, even as it extended condolences to his relatives and friends.

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