Dear Editor,
I refer to Gerry Goveia’s challenge to me (SN, Jan 25) that if I prove that Duke Lodge was not properly acquired by him, then, he is prepared to divest himself of the property and return it to the state, among other things. Likewise if I cannot, there are conditions set by Mr Goveia
First, Mr Goveia has a very gargantuan imagination. He wrote: “Mr Kissoon’s persistently false allegations and innuendoes about impropriety or lack of accountability in my group’s acquisition of Duke Lodge…” In all my writings since he secured Duke Lodge from Mr Jagdeo’s government, I never penned a single line on Duke Lodge. Mr Goveia must be confusing me with the other Freddie Kissoon, the Trinidadian playwright.
Secondly, I am fully aware that Mr Goveia is using me to get some legitimacy in a society where an oppressive government with which he has a close relationship just lost parliamentary elections and his name became embroiled in controversy about the election results days after the polls were closed.
Mr Goveia’s name has been featured in the story of a missing plane that was suddenly found and he was also featured in the WikiLeaks cables. I conclude then that his challenge is all a credibility game. Thirdly, there is no mention in his challenge to me that he also was facilitated by Mr Jagdeo’s government with the huge public property right next to Duke Lodge. Mr Goveia conveniently failed to mention that at the time he got his deal, he was a member of the board of NICIL. I would think I have won the challenge just by this fact, since it smacks of conflict of interest. However, I will persist with my acceptance of the bet.
Fourthly, Mr Goveia forgot to mention that he got Duke Lodge after the government had spent a large sum refurbishing it.
Fifthly, the publisher of Kaieteur News, Mr Glen Lall, has asked me to pen a note in the letter section in the newspapers to let Mr Goveia know that he (Lall), would like to deal with the issue too.
Since I accept the challenge and will prove that Duke Lodge was a saccharine gift from the last government, I am demanding that on winning the bet, we sell Duke Lodge on the market and I will use all the proceeds to provide for the welfare of the three treason accused and their spouses and children.
This for me is non-negotiable. I will not discuss this with Mr Goveia. I know I will win the bet therefore I want Duke Lodge to be sold commercially and I want the money to be given to the treason accused. Mr Goveia has to tell me if he agrees. If he doesn’t then it will be concluded that he has something to hide and I will interpret it that he has conceded that he bought public property at a very cheap price.
Yours faithfully,
Frederick Kissoon