Stabroek News

Bartica needs a five-day a week ferry service

Dear Editor,

The Essequibo boat service Parika-Supenaam will be getting a big boost as soon as the two new ferries start operating in early February – that is if the two landing ramps are completed in time. If so, Essequibians‘ problems will be solved and no more vehicles will be left stranded.

Bartica has a big problem too, where many vehicles are left stranded every Tuesday, Thursday and  Saturday at Parika, while at the Bartica end this happens every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. After having discussions with the miners and the business community we would like to suggest that T&HD introduce a Monday-Friday service. This new boat service could depart Parika at 6am and Bartica at 12pm with same day return to Parika. This will assist farmers in the riverain areas to get their spares, equipment and supplies, and business in Bartica will boom because transportation by T&HD is cheaper than travelling via the Linden-Rockstone Road.

Yours faithfully,
Winston B Miller
Community Development Council
Region 7

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