Stabroek News

Diamond/Grove Housing Scheme infrastructure

This week we visited the Diamond/Grove Housing Scheme and interviewed residents about the condition of the roads and other infrastructure and also asked them to speak about issues that are affecting them. This is what they had to say:

Esan Jonas

Esan Jonas- Private Sector employee
`First Street Diamond was in a very bad state but they recently did some work here in November. I’m not sure if any other work was done in the other streets but they placed some speed bumps here and I know they definitely did so in other streets through this scheme. We have no issues with the roads at the front currently.’

Columbine Mackintosh

Columbine Mackintosh- Housewife
`Currently, Seventh Street is in a deteriorating state. I have been living here for over a year and the place can do with some work. However, about four months ago, they came and throw some bricks and fill the holes but they didn’t do anything long term like tar the road or anything so it eventually went back to square one. I understand that the government was planning to rehabilitate the Diamond/Grove NDC and that was supposed to be done in conjunction with the road project but since that didn’t go forward, the repairs in the scheme couldn’t be forthcoming.’

Lilouti Rasiawan

Lilouti Rasiawan- Single Mother
`I’m living in this Grove Scheme for four years now and I never really had a problem with the road, the road has been good but the problem I have is drainage. This place is filled with empty lots which are just left abandoned and just have a set of bushes that making drainage difficult. I have to come out and clean the trenches myself or it wouldn’t be done. I wish the government would look into this issue because I am tired reporting it to the NDC. Other than that, we are comfortable here, we have stores and shops where we can get everything we need.’

Tony Trotman

Tony Trotman- Private Sector
`I am living in Second Street, Grove five years now and it is always this drain is the problem. People in here paying rates and taxes and nothing ain’t doing, I have to clean these drains myself. We just want the water to move and go to the big trench. I am tired of making complaints to the NDC. What happen to all these vacant lands? People not building and bush just growing and harbouring snakes and all kinds of thing that is dangerous for raising children. We don’t have any problem with roads, light or anything else, just the drainage.’


Lovlin Manniram

Lovlin Manniram – Private sector
`The roads at fourth bridge, Grove are in a terrible state… they have some big, big potholes and apart from that, the place bushy, bushy and it is attracting thieves because they hide between the bushes and rob people in broad daylight. The bushes in these empty lots really need to be cleared. Another thing, the roads low, low and when rain fall we are flooded out. The scheme is okay but they need to do some more work on it. Since I have been living here for the four years a lot of things have happened, like lots of businesses gone up and the place is looking brighter.’

Sharmaine David

Sharmaine David- Unemployed
`The road is kind of bad and it needs to be looked after. I have been living here in Fourth Street for over six months and no developmental work has been done in the area. The roads are deplorable and they are only making the main roads and leaving out the cross streets. The garbage also needs to be collected regularly.’

Colincia Younge-  Private Sector
`For the past eight years that I have been living in Golden Grove/ Diamond Housing Scheme the authorities don’t clean the gutters. They don’t have proper drainage and proper facilities in the area. Because of the grass at the sides of the road I

Colincia Younge

am afraid to walk at nights because of the snakes and others animals that are being harboured there. No development in eight years is very atrocious and we need it to be looked after.’

Seema Karran- Housewife
`The drainage has always been a problem for us residents at Golden Grove, it has never been cleaned and to add to our worries the NDC is not coming to collect the garbage since last year. Residents are dumping the garbage at the back drain and it’s piling up and when rain fall the place is being flooded and we have no proper culvert and the NDC is not clearing the drains. The street is alright. When the rain falls the water rises up to my knee and I have to fetch my three kids who are 15, 13 and 12 every time we have a flood so they can go to school.’

Seema Karran

Brian Anthony- Private Sector
`I was living here for four months and the scheme is rapidly developing and the area is very clean and the drainage is excellent but it depends on the residents to maintain the cleanliness of the area. Only the garbage situation is affecting us but since the Minister of Local Government came to the area the situation has improved.’

Ingrid Basisht- Single Mother
`I have been living in Diamond Back Half for about two years and crime is prevalent in this area. Since I have been living here there has been little or no development in the area the drains are not being cleared and we are flooded regularly. About two weeks now the garbage truck started to work the area again, the road is very good and it is my view that the Police must patrol the area frequently or a Police Station must be

Brian Anthony

in the area or else we will lose everything.’

Ingrid Basisht

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