Eight homeless after father reportedly torched family home

A man who suspected that his wife was unfaithful to him yesterday reportedly burnt down their home leaving his family of 8 homeless.

The alleged arsonist Nigel Armstrong, 36, who was subsequently arrested by the police, was overheard saying “she deserve it” last evening, some hours after he allegedly set the house at Lot 69 Parika River Dam ablaze.

The smoldering remains of Samuels’ home last evening

According to reports, the man had earlier gone to his wife, Virginia Samuels’, workplace—the Parika Primary School—where he was heard verbally abusing her and threatening to commit the act.

When Stabroek News arrived at the scene last evening, the house had already been completely destroyed and smoke was still visible.

A police source told this newspaper that Samuels, also known as Sharon, received the threat of arson around noon at the Parika Primary School where she is employed as a teacher. The source said that by 2 pm, she was told that her house was ablaze and left the school running to see it was true.

When she arrived nothing could be saved and she watched as the home she had shared with her six children and Armstrong went up in flames.

There were no immediate reports of injuries but Samuels and her six minors are now seeking shelter at relatives.
The man is currently in the Parika Police Station lockups awaiting charges of arson and resisting arrest.

When the police initially placed him under arrest, he told them that he wanted to use the bathroom and used this opportunity to slip away. However, policemen chased him down and caught him.