Stabroek News

Stairs at NIS Camp Street and at Brickdam are a challenge for senior citizens

Dear Editor,

Pensioners of the National Insurance Scheme who have to visit the NIS office for one reason or the other are placed in a position of pressure when they have to climb those winding stairs both at Bent and Camp Streets, and at Brickdam.

Imagine a senior citizen with joint problems mounting those stairs; the pain, discomfort and danger it poses could be fatal. NIS, one of the few entities that has contributed in a major way to the survival of our seniors could do one more thing that would ease the suffering which these older folks face, and that is to install an elevator or escalators.

I must say that I am very impressed by all that NIS has done and is doing for the people who have made their contributions over the years, I for one have benefited in my senior years and have tried to inspire the younger generation to obey the law and make contributions to their own future by paying up their NIS. So, please, managers and directors, look into the plight of the seniors.

On another matter, we have sudden one-way streets in our city, I find it very disconcerting especially at night on a dark road to make out one-way signs painted on the flat road surface.

In the dark when rain is falling those signs will not be visible; what is needed are upright visible signs on the new one-way streets, so that they serve the purpose they were intended for and not create more traffic hazards, as they do at the moment.

A good thing was done by placing humps at major roads forcing speeding vehicles to slow up and stop, but I question the wisdom of the police marking these humps with yellow paint; yellow paint is good for the daytime but at night white paint would be more visible. This is noticeable at the junction of Broad and Russell Streets.

Yours faithfully,
Ivan John

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