Dear Editor,
The decision of the Attorney General (AG) to have the court pronounce on the composition of the parliamentary committees bodes well for the society as we strive to develop and strengthen our various branches of government and resolve our differences. The AG’s decision presents us the rare opportunity to simultaneously test the independence and checks and balances principle of our three branches of government.
What is happening here is the judiciary is being asked by the executive arm of government which also sits on the governing side of the legislature, to interpret an aspect of the legislative function.
As citizens, while we may embrace diverse political views and support different sides, in the final analysis the nation as a whole will benefit.
Asking the court is an encouraging sign towards creating the environment to develop checks and balances among the three branches and moreso establishing a precedent which will encourage the citizens to question a number of decisions that were made and will be made by parliament. It is important to note that there may be laws on our books that may be in conflict with our constitution; and in some cases may have violated fundamental rights. As such citizens and groups would be encouraged to examine and commence the process of challenging those decisions. These are the type of acts that will contribute to the creating of a just society.
The people will be paying rapt attention.
Yours faithfully,
Lincoln Lewis