Dear Editor,
When the vendors were removed from along the co-op crescent, I wrote: “Anyone with an eye for the aesthetics will be delighted with efforts at having a refreshing scenery restored with the removal of vendors from the co-op crescent, which had become a real eyesore, and even more unsightly and unhealthy with the garbage trailer that was placed next to De Younge Boat Landing.”
With the construction of the railing, pavement with benches and large rocks along the road/river bank, it was even more commendable and a feeling of some semblance of restored decency and beauty. But it seemed as if that was all wishful thinking, for not so long after, it had become a haven for garbage disposal once more. Garbage of all sorts – Styrofoam boxes, tins, bottles, plastic bags, cardboard boxes, rotten provisions, including onion/potatoes, spoiled greens, and dead animals etc were dumped. Also all kinds of weeds had grown over the rocks that made that portion of the river bank look so splendid.
In a letter to the press highlighting this sad and disgusting scenery, I made a few suggestions: a) the Mayor and Town Council should have constables regularly on the lookout for perpetrators: b) put up one/two large billboard-size signs warning persons not to dump or litter: c) carry out a campaign drive in schools drilling into and sensitizing students, do advertisements on TV cautioning residents to desist, giving a month or two grace period before instituting a substantial penalty- paid to the Council. This one is new: – have an arts competition in the schools, whereby students can some up with slogans and artistic impressions/expressions on being environmentally friendly along this particular area. 1st , 2nd and 3rd prizes awarded and have them neatly erected and displayed at three spots. I’m sure these suggestions can help in some way.
Once again as we approach Town Week, the state of affairs with respect to garbage in the Town and particularly along this co-op crescent/river bank is ridiculous.
The benches are broken – the work of vagrants and idle hands – and need painting, the rocks can hardly be seen since the garbage and weeds have redecorated the entire rocky design, there are some signs erected along this stretch, with a few defaced and with the slogan “Pop it don’t drop it” written on them but there are no receptacles! In any event this place should be cleaned regularly. Our local and overseas families, friends and visitors who will be coming for the Town Week should not be so rudely greeted with such indecency dotted all around the Town- like the appalling sight on Potaro Road directly behind the building of well know elder and Linden personality Norman Chapman, who told me that he has been complaining ad nauseam to no avail.
Yours faithfully,
Frank Fyfee