Dear Editor,
I refer to a letter in SN (March 31, 2012) written by Roger Williams and titled `A blind pursuit of a liberal agenda’.
I wish to make several comments on Mr. Williams’ letter.
* It is my understanding that SASOD is an organization that represents or purports to represent Gay and Lesbian communities in Guyana. That being so isn’t it proper for SASOD and its constituents to play a significant role in the formulation of policies and laws that ultimately will have the greatest impact on their lives?
* Reference is made to the work of Dr Jeffrey Satinover who regards homosexuality as a disorder which, he claims, can be cured. Dr Satinover has written extensively on the “condition” of homosexuality and its impact on society; a subject which has both supporters and detractors. There are many other studies which contradict Dr Satinover’s opinions; so why should his opinions be considered any more compelling than any other representing a different view?
* I understand Guyana to be a secular state. Has this changed?
* I am not sure what liberal agenda is being pursued in Guyana by SASOD and AFC however can I suggest that the non Christians note-
The Bible prescribes the death penalty for the following, among others –
* Murder
* Adultery
* Rape
* A woman who is not found to be a virgin on her wedding night
* A betrothed woman who does not cry out whilst being raped
* Taking the Lord’s name in vain
* Worshipping other gods
* Kidnapping
* Cursing a parent
* Witchcraft
So let us allow religious doctrine to determine the laws we make for the benefit of all humankind. If the above list is anything to go by most of us will find ourselves facing the death penalty.
Yours faithfully,
Nadia Sagar