Photos103 and still countingBy Stabroek News April 22, 2012 103 and still counting 103 and still counting: Celestine Shipley called ‘Celeste’ celebrated her 103rd birthday yesterday at the Archer’s Home. In picture with her is her granddaughter, Sandra Barker and her two great grandchildren who celebrated with her. Celeste who was born on April 21, 1909, grew up in Hyde Park, Soesdyke/Linden Highway. She then moved to Charlestown, Georgetown in her early years, where she worked with a doctor as a receptionist and then as a maid. She was never married, but gave birth to three children who are all deceased. She has lots of grandchildren and great grandchildren who are mostly overseas. She is described by her granddaughter as a “hot mouth” woman who loves to be glamorous, and still continues to be obsessed with how she smells. She also loves to dance and was constantly enquiring whether music was playing at her birthday since she does not hear well. Her granddaughter said that she likes lots of perfume and powder, but does not like her hair to be braided. Although she is now visually impaired, she still has a lively sense of humour and a vivid memory. Her favourite meal consists of boiled half-ripe plantains with boiled eggs. She likes bananas and eats them on a daily basis.Comments