‘Misguided by a news report’

Dear Editor,

I wish to respond to Ms Audreyanna Thomas who has allowed herself to be misguided by a news report carried by Capitol News over a week ago and in the process was caught up in a sinister plot to once again portray me in a bad light (‘Senior public officers should be careful about their language in public…’ SN, April 30).

The news report was an exaggeration of a conversation between Minister Robeson Benn and myself during the recent picketing exercise by public servants against proposed budget cuts outside Parliament Building. During that conversation Minister Robeson Benn suggested I leave the scene because my presence was agitating people. Those he referred to were five APNU activists who were taunting and confronting the public servants. My response to Mr Benn was in defence of my right to be there and I was reluctant to be persuaded by his suggestion.

Of course because the noise level at the scene was above normal, Capitol News used the opportunity to deceive people into believing there was some sort of confrontation between us.

Ms Thomas surely missed the opportunity to accurately grasp what took place on that day and for that I offer her my regrets.

Yours faithfully,
Kwame Mc Coy