Women’s rights activists yesterday took to the picket line and called on the Medical Council of Guyana to investigate cases of unlicensed doctors, specifically in the fatal case of Karen Badal, and they also want Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran to make abortion procedures accessible countrywide.
“We are picketing the Medical Council and the Ministry of Health to draw attention to the issue of safe motherhood and abortion access in Guyana, specifically the case of Karen Badal who was a young mother of two who died in December after a botched abortion that was done in a bottom house clinic by an unlicensed doctor,” organizer Sherlina Nageer told Stabroek News yesterday in front of the Ministry of Health’s Brickdam office.
Badal, 18, of Lot 2 North Vigilance, East Coast Demerara, was four months pregnant when she died as a result of