Stabroek News

Mothers and daughters display love out of this world

Holly Fraser-Persaud and her daughter Aleka, Natasha James and Nkasi and Donnett La Rose and Shonnett are the mothers and daughters who took the crowns in the junior, middle and senior category respectively at the annual mother and daughter pageant held at the National Cultural Centre last Saturday under the theme, ‘Love Out Of This World’.

Holly Fraser-Persaud and Aleka, and Natasha James and Nkasi were the crowd favourites in their respective categories. Donnett La Rose and Shonnett did not have the crowd going as much as their competitors.

The other winners in the junior category were Nadine Sanders and Mia (first runner-up), and Diana Nazier and Leandra (second runner-up). The middle category saw Melissa Paris and Christal (first runner-up), and Tandika Samsodin and Chrisele (second runner-up) take the other two top spots. Meanwhile, the senior category saw Dorothy Bradshaw and Lisa in the first runner-up space, while Annette Bess and Alicia took the second runner-up spot.

Natasha James and Nkasi

The winner in the junior category receives a trip to Trinidad and Tobago for two, a gift voucher valued $10,000 and school supplies. The middle category winner receives a trip for two to Barbados, trophies, hair treatment and the opportunity to pursue a course of their choice at the Carnegie School of Home Economics. The senior category winner won two return tickets to New York, two pairs of white and gold earrings, dinner for two at Princess Hotel and a $20,000 gift voucher.

The pageant saw contestants in the junior category vying for the crown in their display of an outfit that can be worn to a birthday party. The middle category was based on the display of clothing for mother and child to a tea party and the senior category featured outfits suited for a formal evening out. All the outfits were designed by local designers and in some cases the contestants themselves.

During the course of the night members of the audience were entertained by local singers who sang to their respective mothers who were placed centre stage.

The pageant, which is an annual event, saw 19 pairs of mothers and daughters vying for the crown in each category. This year’s pageant was the 21st production since the pageant was started in 1990 by Ingrid Fung. (Mandy Thompson)

Nadine Sanders and Mia; and Diana Nazier and Leandra flank Donnett La Rose and Shonnett 2
Holly Fraser-Persaud and Aleka

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