Two Lindeners are hospitalized following a collision—between the car they were in and another driven by former government minister Dr Henry Jeffrey—which occurred yesterday at the intersection of the University of Guyana Road and the Rupert Craig Highway.
Stacy Nedd and Charlin Nedd were rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital, shortly after noon yesterday. The car they were in, PNN 6859, slammed into PLL 5648, driven by Jeffrey. Charlin Nedd’s ten-month-old baby, who was in the car with her, miraculously escaped without any injuries and was later seen at the hospital playing with her father.

Others involved in the accident were Charlin’s husband Kelon Nedd; their two other children Herbalina Marriot, 10 and Kiffen Marriot, 5. They, along with the 10-month-old baby Leah Nedd and their mother, were seated in the back seat of the car. Kelon Nedd’s aunt Stacy was the front seat passenger. They all reside at Blueberry Hill, Linden in Region 10.
Eyewitness told Stabroek News that the Nedds’ car, which had six persons, was speeding east along the Rupert Craig Highway when it failed to stop at a traffic light and crashed into Jeffrey’s car which was turning right onto the Rupert Craig highway from the University of Guyana Road. “I was coming out behind the grey car [Jeffrey’s car] and we stopped at the red light and waited for a while. The light turned green and I was about to blow on the driver to drive when he began turning slowly headed towards the East Coast.
Out of nowhere this white car came speeding and slammed into him and spun out of control ending on the next side,” the eyewitness, who asked only to be referred to as Adams, stated.
Jeffrey who suffered no visible injuries said that he was thankful he was not speeding .

He relayed most of what the eyewitness had said but was perplexed as to why the occupants of the car fled the scene. He was later told that there was much blood in the car and that the occupants, perhaps hurt, went to the hospital.
Kelon Nedd, the driver of PNN 6856 told Stabroek News, as he awaited treatment at the hospital, that he was still recovering from his near death experience and could not vividly recall the events. He said they were visiting relatives in the city and on the East Coast. He was returning to the city when the accident occurred. The man kept expressing thanks to God for saving his family’s life while he was visibly distraught that his wife had to be hospitalized.
The Guyana Police Force traffic department is currently carrying out investigations.