Stabroek News

Girl children in Lethem, Tabatinga and St Ignatius at risk from a predator

Dear Editor,

We are a group of women who are concerned for our girl children in Lethem, Tabatinga and St Ignatius. This is so because there is a rapist whose identity is known in the region. There is a child in St Ignatius who is pregnant for him. There is another child who was forced to have an abortion in Georgetown. There are several other girl children who have suffered as well. We have been afraid to come forward because the man has money and friends in high places, and we felt that we were no match for him.

Some time back there was an article in the papers that showed the plight of schoolchildren going to the St Ignatius Secondary School. That article was true, but we did not tell the reporter anything about the sexual assaults.

We are calling on the authorities to carry out an extensive investigation because we feel that this man will not stop and may try to threaten the victims. We are also asking the various organizations in Georgetown to assist us, like the Red Thread and the Commission on the Rights of the Child. Our children need counselling and protection.

Yours faithfully,
(Names of 24 signatories provided)

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