Stabroek News

Fitness Express lends support to UG athletes

Fitness Express has been a consistent and important supporter of powerlifting and bodybuilding in Guyana and continues to show its commitment to local athletes by aiding two University of Guyana students in their quest to be successful at the Mustang Games and Sagicor Senior Nationals in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.

Athlete Elton Bollersm left receives a bottle of the supplements from an employee of Fitness Express.

Owner Jamie McDonald made a timely contribution by donating to the athletes one-month supplies of Gaspari Nutrition’s Myofusion and Myofusion Probiotic. These scientifically researched products have been used by world class athletes to aid in strength and recovery by combining a unique blend of natural proteins and amino acids. The new Myofusion Probiotic also supports immune and digestive health and, according to Gaspari Nutrition, even tastes better.

Participation in events of such high calibre offers the university athletes Elton Bollers and Neil Barry Jr., massive room for exposure and since the Hasely Crawford Stadium’s track is certified, will enable the athletes to have official timings recorded on their portfolio, thus giving them the chance to ranked on the global scale.

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