Apsara returns to the National Cultural Centre next Saturday, with its show dubbed ‘An Exotic Era of Dance’.
According to a press release, the show will be directed by Chandini Ramnarain and the dances choreographed by Chandini Ramnarain, Padmini Rambalak, Kiran Mattai, Marcia Akeung, Fernando Yow, Lucria and Devon Rambalak.
According to the release, this year’s show is “bizarre and colourful with a whirlwind of movements and expression that exemplify drama from dance styles such as classical, filmi, bangra, salsa, hip-hop, marathi, arabic/turkish, fusions and much more”. Costumes and stage sets will be rich, spectacular and eye-catching, it added. The show starts at 8 pm.
Tickets cost $2,000 and $3,000 and are available at the National Cultural Centre; N&S Mattai; Feedshop, Kitty; Bhagwan’s, and M & M Snackette near the Harbour Bridge.