Dear Editor,
After the Golden Jaguars’ low carat showing against Costa Rica, I am calling for the head of the talkative head coach Jamal Shabbaz. This guy seems to know everything that is wrong in Guyana and the Caribbean and further afield but not how to motivate players and manage resources.
He talks politics, he is a philosopher, he knows what AFC, APNU and PPP/C must do to make Guyana a better place, he knows what causes tension in this country, he knows who needs to put aside what in order for us to go forward but what Shabbaz does not know is that our best striker Anthony `Awo’ Abrams must not, should not and cannot be brought into the game when 10 minutes are left. What he does not know too is that it is silly, stupid and baseless to still try to defend when you are three goals down.
I am a furious Guyanese at this point. I watched my team treated like house kittens rather than Jaguars by Costa Rica. And what makes me more furious is that our local media allowed Shabbaz to go Scot-free without asking pertinent questions but rather, allows this “coach” to blah blah again. I paid $3000 dollars to watch that game. I am not furious about that, but in the way in which we went down, without a fight, without a roar, without the raising of a paw. Then Shabbaz opens his mouth again and blah blah blah. Please give him notice that the time to talk is over. We have heard enough. Put up or shut up. Action speaks louder than words. Guyana Football Federation take note.
Yours faithfully,
R Trim