Stabroek News

Mason on $20,000 bail over theft of sister’s Blackberry

A man accused of stealing his sister’s Blackberry cell phone was yesterday admitted to bail in the sum of $20,000 when he made his appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.

The allegation against 40-year-old Lawrence Baird who resides at Lot 2 Princes Street, Lodge is that on June 16 at Georgetown he stole one Blackberry Pearl cell phone valued $33,000; property of Lynette Mangal.

The mason denied the simple larceny charge when it was read to him by Magistrate Hazel Octave-Hamilton before whom he appeared.

The virtual complainant was absent from court.

No facts of what transpired on the day in question were presented to the court.
The unrepresented Baird was then granted pretrial liberty to which the prosecution had no objection. His matter was transferred to Court 10 for July 9.

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