Stabroek News

A census allows a government to plan for its people

Dear Editor,

I am constantly badgered by a close acquaintance to briefly write about the benefits derived from a national census.  I would say that because of our political climate most of our citizens are wary of any questionnaire and its perceived implications, being ignorant of the fact that without an accurate census, no government can adequately plan for its people and the natural resources at its disposal in the country. Census-taking is not a modern phenomenon; it is as old as man’s existence on earth.  As a matter of fact, it is recorded in the Old Testament in the Book of Numbers, that God had instructed Moses to take a census of his people in the Sinai. Is there a national census exercise presently being conducted?  Or is it that other events of equal national importance are taking precedence?

Yours faithfully,
Lloyd Davidson

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