The Alliance for Change (AFC) welcomed the convening of the recent diplomatic retreat but expressed disappointment that the diplomatic corps is made up mainly of “the same old party loyalists and sinecure appointees.”
In a press statement, the AFC observed that “there has been no major rejuvenation of the diplomats, with a few aged envoys being on the job, one in the same station for some 20 years.”
The opposition party insisted that “it is time for a re-shuffle that should see not only re-assignment of some envoys, but the replacement of others.”
The AFC also pointed out that “the nation’s interest is not best served, and it is instead a drain of precious taxpayers’ money, simply to reward moribund political activists, in some cases, and exile others to foreign diplomatic postings often without consideration for their special skills, talent or aptitude.”
The party then cited the example of the ‘Dean’ of Guyana’s diplomatic corps, Dr Odeen Ishmael, who it said “ought to serve in… America and the Caribbean along with Ambassador Dr David Dabydeen, whilst High Commissioner Lallsingh and Ambassador Gajraj should make way for fresh talent from among our career foreign service.”
In this regard, the AFC said it welcomed the more recent postings from career staff, which helped to portray the diplomatic corps as multi-ethnic and national.
However, the AFC expressed regrets at remarks reportedly made by President Donald Ramotar about Guyana’s tragic brain-drain, when he told diplomats that “we can’t do anything about that”.
“This is an admission of failure of policy to create jobs, to promote sustainable livelihood and an investment environment that is not contaminated by widespread graft, sleaze and corruption. This, unfortunately, is the “true picture” of today’s Jagdeo-Ramotar Guyana and no amount of diplomatic white-washing would change this, unless there is political will to return Guyana to acceptable levels of good governance, accountability and consultative democratic practices,” the AFC declared.
The party also maintained that “until and unless we radically shake-up the way we run our country, and the diplomatic corps as well, these retreats would be nothing more than grand, expensive excursions, the kind of extravaganza and waste we can ill-afford.”