Dear Editor,
For some strange reason, the Assistant Regional Executive Officer of Sub-Region Two of Region Ten in collaboration with the handful of PPP/C supporters cannot understand or do not want to understand that the installation of a Interim Management Committee in the NDC is not what the majority of the residents of Kwakwani would like to have. We demonstrated that quite clearly when they tried to secretly hold an inquiry without officially informing the Council and residents about their intentions.
The plan to secretly conduct a training programme for potential members with the objective of installing an IMC in the Kwakwani community is saying to the residents, you have no say in what is best for your community.
Kwakwani will not accept any IMC, especially one that is dominated by the minority PPP group.
With over 75% of home-owners not paying rates and taxes, and the 25% paying rates and taxes using 1980 valuations, how in heaven‘s name can the Council or any IMC effectively function?
The results of the 2011 regional and general elections show that the residents totally reject the community leaders of the PPP, and it is foolish to even try to impose those same persons on the community when they do not have the community’s interest at heart.
The majority of residents will continue to say that only through local government reforms and residents deciding through the democratic process of elections, can the council function in their best interest.
Yours faithfully,
Jocelyn Morian