Stabroek News

Faith Harding QIP urges peace in Linden, pledges care

The Social Development Initiative of the Faith Harding Quick Impact Programme (QIP) is calling for the establishment of peace and understanding and at the same time pledging therapeutic care and nutritional sustenance to Linden.

QIP’s statement came after Wednesday’s fatal shooting of protesters in Linden demonstrating against the imposition of the hike in electricity to the community.

The statement said Lindeners were exercising their right to peacefully assemble, however, the protestors ended up experiencing murder and mayhem at the hands of those employed to protect them.

“Our citizens of Linden were fulfilling a central tenet of the democracy envisioned and longed for in our country. It was a scene, from all reports, that was peaceful and spirited. As quintessential Guyanese as it was, it became shattered by the bullets of a sharpshooter policeman’s gun,” QIP added.

QIP said the protesters were trying to gain the attention of the government, as a result of an “unwavering government decision to impose what appears to Lindeners as an unconscionable hardship,” resulting in the loss of three lives also leaving several others critical.

QIP stated, “We mourn and join the families of those dead and injured, in their grief. Our hearts are broken by the brutality meted out by the police. Our hearts are broken and yet, our hearts are full of gratitude for those doctors and nurses who continue to work wonders to heal those who have been hurt. Our hearts are broken by the loss of teenage lives.”

The statement added that the organization is demanding explanations for the tragedy so as to bring some order to the chaos. At the same time noting that a national conversation has commenced, not only about the motivations behind the brutality, but about everything from the merits of freedom to congregate and other democratic laws to the adequacy of the mental health state of those who must protect and not kill.

“An essential ingredient in the exercise of governance is the continuous training and competence of those who hold our lives in their hands. The brutal senseless killing of innocent demonstrators that took place last Wednesday must never ever be repeated in our dear land of Guyana. We have got a nation to build not to destroy,” the statement added.

The organization said it agreed with the AFC in its call for an international team being involved in the investigation of the shooting and at the same time urged the leaders to be wise in their discussions and not use the tragedy to turn on one another because there is at present too much distrust between the government and opposition.

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