Working class party?

Dear Editor,

I hope that struggling, hardworking Guyanese are suitably impressed with their ‘working class champions’ from the ‘working class’ party in the Office of the President.  If those salary figures were not so revolting, they would be entertaining.  It seems that there is no end to the vulgarity that exists in this country, the pornography that passes for governance.  The ruling class is simply past caring, and has lost a long time ago all sense of conscience and what is right and wrong.

The female constables manning the gates and barricades of government buildings have to be overjoyed at the generosity of their betters who reward themselves so shamelessly at taxpayers’ expense.  It has to be a terrible injustice when nonentities are carting away ten times as much as they (the constables) do monthly. So much for paying dues, starting at the bottom, and public service. No wonder previous stridency and criticisms have disappeared.

By the way – how many communications people are needed over there at Vlissengen Road?  Who are they communicating with when everything is secret?  What is it that these folks really do?  For the kind of money tossed around, I might be ready to run that blogspot.  Just in case anyone gets any fancy ideas, I must say that the entire payroll of the Office of the President is not nearly enough to make me sink so low.

All in all, this is part of the brotherhood (and sorority) that drags teachers, what is left of the public service, and legitimate workers through an annual obstacle course for a five per cent pittance.  They do this while they help themselves in obscene ways to the gravy and manna of the land.  It has become their birthright and their distinguishing mark.

In the meantime, despairing Guyanese who cannot make ends meet are patted on the head.  Listen to the hypocrites and their practised patronizing rhythms: ‘doan worry, tings gun change.  Jus’ bear yuh chafe…”

Yours faithfully,
GHK Lall