Dear Editor,
The cost for GPL to supply its customers across Guyana with electricity is maybe very expensive to them, and so too for its hundreds of thousands of customers across this nation. The beleaguered low income customer bears the burden most for this expensive source of energy. Also the cost to GPL for maintenance and guarding against electricity theft is also exorbitant, and in the final analysis the cost to run GPL falls on the customers all over the country. However, the fat cats among us pay the same per unit as the poor one-parent family does for this essential commodity.
With those observations in mind I want to suggest to GPL and the powers that be to consider solar energy as a cheaper source of energy, not only for the citizens of Linden, but also for the whole of sunny Guyana.
Most countries are now gradually moving away from fossil sources of energy to solar or wind power sources for supply of electricity intended for domestic and industrial purposes. To solve the Linden debacle maybe, and to reduce the exorbitant cost of electricity on poor people, my humble suggestion, for all that it may worth is to move away gradually from expensive fossil sources energy for the supply of electricity to solar energy. The maintenance cost is very low, and the panel receiver is cost effective and safer to use, maintain and set up. And finally the Maker of all things has blessed us with an abundant supply of solar energy from His tropical blazing sun.
Maybe this alternative means could solve immediately the impasse at Linden too. Who knows?
Yours faithfully
Rooplall Dudhnath