Load shedding a possibility if new generating capacity not acquired

Dr Ashni Singh

Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh says that should 26 megawatts of additional generating capacity not be installed in the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) network, there could be a resort to load shedding for 2013 since there would not be enough power to meet the peak demand.

He was writing to lead Opposition spokesperson on economic matters, Carl Greenidge seeking to justify and rationalise why it was that the Government was investing over $5 billion in new Wartsila generating capacity when there was no mention of this at the time the national budget was presented. Greenidge had objected to the lack of details that accompanied the financial papers and said that this was in contravention of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (FMAA).

The provision in the financial paper was eventually supported and the Government was cleared to make the expenditure to acquire three 8.7 megawatt Wartsila units. They will be installed by the second quarter of 2013 at Vreed-en-Hoop. This follows the acquisition of similar units in 2009 and in