Dear Editor,
I dare say that teachers are being short-changed by their bargainers who may be receiving stipends deducted from the dues we have signed on to for the government to deduct.
My first concern is that persons who have qualified since 2007 are still waiting to receive a duty-free vehicle. To qualify for a duty-free concession you must either have been a headteacher for at least three years; have at least five years of employment before retirement; or you work in Grade A or B schools. However, many head-teachers are still to receive the concession, and some have gone into retirement without receiving it. On the other hand, members of the Guyana Teachers’ Union executive committee do receive the concession of a duty-free vehicle. Are the junior teachers who are members of the union’s executive more worthy than those senior teachers whom they purport to represent? Why do we need a union when whether or not the union bargains the government will still give us whatever they want to give us each year?
Why is it when teaching is the profession which teaches all other professions, that teachers are only allowed a duty-free vehicle on a one-shot agreement?
The home-building revolving fund seems to be getting a hard time getting off the ground. After five long years teachers are still to benefit from this noble project. Why is it that with so many commercial banks and the Hand-in-Hand Trust and the New Building Society that a reputable financial institution cannot be found to be responsible for the disbursal of this fund so that we teachers can benefit?
We know that schools have been asked to have a contingency plan to deal with under-performing students. However, I feel that officers need to be more visible and au fait with what the schools have to do, so that they can give pertinent advice where needed.
When the above concerns have been taken into consideration and the necessary actions taken, teachers would feel valued, for we know that there are some in the system who are self-motivated whilst others have to be motivated.
Let us work in unity, with no dissension, as we seek to, mould the nation’s children.
Yours faithfully,
S A Murray