The moral weakness of this country is expediency

Dear Editor,

I refer to the letter captioned ‘Morality not political experience should orient all our national institutions’ (SN, August 21) My reason for supporting Clarence O Perry is plain and basic. Being a human rights advocate I have always felt that the moral weakness of our country causes expedient decisions, ie, the subordination of moral principles for the sake of facilitating an end or purpose.

For those of us who are looking for standards of good behaviour from those in authority to set the example expect them to know that a person’s humanity is shown by their relationship with others.

The fast fixing of issues by some for personal gain and survival have contributed to some extent to our moral dilemma. On many occasions I have heard or read about the importance of political maturity on and off the table, but what is most lacking is emotional maturity on and off the table, and that can be seen in Linden.

In closing I suggest that the ruling and the opposition parties take possession of parliament through co-operation – a win-win solution – to avoid more conflict in favour of what can be achieved at the table with human rights.

Yours faithfully,
Kenneth A Whyte