With the recent housing drive on and many citizens owning their own home, there is the desire to beautify surroundings.
First you need to decide what kind of garden you would like and what you can afford.
Then there are the questions as to whether the plants are for indoors or outdoors, whether they should be flowering or non-flowering, annuals or perennials. Once these questions are answered, you are good to go.
Take care to choose the right plant for the right spot. Spend some time examining the plant. Buy plants from reputable Garden centres, nurseries and plant shops, so that in the event you have a problem you can call on them for advice.
Remember, sometimes people walking the streets selling plants cheaply are just scam artists. When you think you are getting a bargain you end up being penny wise and pound foolish because the plants may not have roots.
When you select your plant choose bushy specimens, against those with long stems with few leaves looking spindly and bare. Ask the name of the plant and how to care for it. Once you know the name you can check the internet for more information.
In addition, check for pests and diseases under the leaves as well as on top. Choose flowering plants with lots of buds so you can enjoy the pleasure when they open. Be careful when you transport plants to their new locations. Allow them time to adjust to their new surroundings. After transplanting them make sure you water them.
Until next week, Happy Gardening!