Stabroek News

Miriam Corlette-Williams celebrates

30 years of gospel singing

Come October 27, Miriam Corlette-Williams will be celebrating 30 years of singing gospel music in Guyana.

She feels elated that she has remained in the industry so long, despite the high rate of piracy, the non-payments for performances among other issues involved in the Guyanese music industry. “It is really not about that though, ultimately it is about singing to the Lord and not about money or the accolades that you are given as a result of doing that. I do it because I love it and I was born to do it,” she said.

Miriam will be performing with her family at a concert at the Theatre Guild. She sees October as a significant month in her life; one of the reasons being it was the month in which she first performed on a mega stage.

She also celebrates her birthday soon after the concert and would like the support of her fans.

Miriam is currently working on her fifth album, ‘Dare to Dream’ which features recordings and music videos.

Above all, she is inspired and motivated by God. She is also drawn to the feedback, inspiration and power from her fans and her five children. Other inspiration comes from following up on social issues and the feelings and emotions from her music.

“Music on the whole is like breathing. If you stop doing it, it feels stifling. If you are born to do something you feel compelled to do it – this is my zone,” she said.

She considers her most accomplished piece to be the song “We Can Stop the Hate” because it helped to promote peace and harmony. “This is the song that propelled me to fame. Years after and it is still playing on the radio. That song really changed my paradigm as a singer. It can cross all barriers and all races.”

Miriam is justly proud of having come such a long way in her career, “[That] I can still be here and persevere…Basically there were many times I felt like quitting, but every year I got better and better.”

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