Dear Editor,
The launching of the Operation Safe Parks initiative by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment is welcomed by all visitors who frequent the facilities of the Botanical Gardens and the National Park on a regular basis.
I can say from my own experience, that I was intimidated on a few occasions by suspected criminal elements with intent to relieve me of my possessions during family outings at the Botanical Gardens, but was supported by other families picnicking.
Editor, petty robberies and crimes are committed on a daily basis in and around Georgetown, and the National Park and the Botanical Gardens are no exceptions. Places which are meant for recreation and family outings have been marred by criminal elements looking for their next victim, and I strongly believe that this new initiative to have a regular police presence will definitely have an impact on petty criminal activities.
Therefore, I would like to commend the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment on its foresight in arranging for a rank of the Guyana Police Force to conduct patrols within the National Park and the Botanical Gardens as a means of deterring criminal activities. I am sure the Guyanese population would like to see this type of initiative replicated in various public spaces to have a sense of security and belonging in our very own country.
Yours faithfully,
Samuel Singh