-urges firm action against defaulting customers
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds appointed a 10-member Board of Directors to the Mahdia Power and Light (MPL) at a meeting held on Friday in the boardroom of the Region Eight NDC.
According to a press release from the Government Information Agency (GINA) several of the board members were drawn from the local mining community. David Adams was appointed Chair-man of the Board, while Head of the HEP, Horace Williams was tasked with responsibility at the Central Government level for the electricity operations in Mahdia, Lethem and Port Kaituma. The other Board members comprise Collette Adams, Punaram Chanderban, Bernice Nichols, Manuel Fraser, Louise Armstrong, Rev. Aubrey Skeete, Banaventura Fredericks, Parasram and Sewdat Singh.
After the new Board had received their appointment letters, the prime minister discussed MPL’s performance over the past year. According to Hinds, central government had