Members of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) told a team from the Ministry of Legal Affairs that stronger measures should be taken to remove 30 tenants of the First Federation Building—17 of whom had tenancy agreements which expired since 1991, and 13 of whom never had agreements, and who owed rent amounting to the sum of $1.246 million.
The suggestion was made at yesterday’s meeting of the PAC, which continued to review the 2010 Report of the Auditor General.
PAC Chairman Carl Greenidge took the opportunity to suggest that the ministry seek proper advice on better management of the building, since it was “exercising poor management of the premises.” In response to these statements, the Permanent Secretary (PS) of the ministry explained that several letters were written to the tenants but they have not been responsive. When asked if legal action was ever considered to force compliance, the PS stated that the ministry had decided to hold