It is in the very nature of modern, media-centred, politics for secondary issues to become larger than life and overshadow more important agenda items. Too often unforeseen matters erupt and catch the public imagination, acting as magnets for political operatives who are always seeking public attention and – hopefully – acclaim. The Linden issue erupted as if out of the blue and rightly took the centre stage and then one of its less important spinoffs, the quarrel about Minister Rohee’s resignation, has been occupying much of the opposition’s valuable time. In retrospect, a careful look at the vicissitudes of the political landscape since Linden suggests to me at least three important lessons.
Firstly, it points to the need for us to keep a strong eye on the developments that are taking place within the agreed issues. Secondly, it suggests that in proceeding with our business we need to pay more attention to the desired outcome and less to