Parika Health Centre flooded, residents turned away

A flooded room at the Parika Health Centre

The Parika Health Centre has been flooded for more than a week, resulting in residents being turned away from the facility.

Inadequate drainage facilities have led to a flood at the centre and residents yesterday complained that they could not be treated because of it. Residents who were turned away included both children and mothers who visit the centre on a regular basis.

A flooded room at the Parika Health Centre

When Stabroek News arrived at the centre yesterday, a mother and her infant were forced to return home because the clinic was still contaminated with putrid water. Nurses also protested the situation, saying that the contaminated water had infected their skin and caused swelling.

“The NDC [Neighbourhood Democratic Council] knows about the flooding but hasn’t done anything about it,” one resident argued, saying that they made efforts to contact the Regional Health Centre in Vreed-en-Hoop but were unsuccessful. “We are begging the RHO [Regional Health Officer] to help us,” the nurse concluded.