The 2011 Auditor General’s Report: Office of the President

For the last four weeks, we took a break from reviewing the Auditor General’s report for 2011 to focus on a number of other issues. These include: (a) performance auditing in the light of a renewed mandate given to the Audit Office by the Audit Act 2004; (b) the National Insurance Scheme in view of the latest actuarial report; and (c) the truth about the restoration of public accountability because of a recent press release from the youth arm of the PPP.

So far, we have completed three articles on the Auditor General’s report. Today, we examine the Auditor General’s report on the Office of the President.

Overall comments
Total expenditure of the Office of the President for 2011 amounted to $5.749 billion. Considering the size of the expenditure, one would expect a