Stabroek News

Accident along Mandela Avenue caused by oil that fell off a truck

What just happened? – A confused female driver jumping out yesterday after her vehicle skidded on some oil that fell off a truck causing her to lose control and slam into a parked grey Toyota Allion then ending up in the nearby trench. The accident happened yesterday afternoon along Mandela Avenue. (Photo by Brenon Sookram)

What just happened? – A confused female driver jumping out yesterday after her vehicle skidded on some oil that fell off a truck causing her to lose control and slam into a parked grey Toyota Allion then ending up in the nearby trench. The accident happened yesterday afternoon along Mandela Avenue. (Photo by Brenon Sookram)
The truck transporting the buckets of oil which beat a hasty retreat from the scene of the accident after this newspaper arrived. (Photo by Brenon Sookram)


Young men tossing sand on the road yesterday where the oil spilled and caused an accident just moments before along Mandela Avenue. (Photo by Arian Browne)
The minibus which collected the remaining buckets of oil before police arrived on scene. (Photo by Brenon Sookram)
The two vehicles that were involved in the accident caused by spilled oil. (Photo by Brenon Sookram)

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