-Fighting Crime: Some Simple Steps
On Wednesday morning I decided that I would use this theme (above) to, lazily but appropriately repeat some views. And this just one week away from my big anniversary column.
But it was late Wednesday (by 5:30pm) when I read that the young man accused of murdering little Christine Sookra was freed by the judge on Tuesday. (With good legal reason.)
During the infamous crime spree I was moved to write a piece on the gangster murder of that little innocent in 2004.
There seems to be little change for the better, after years, where certain national social issues are concerned, in this land. So here are my thoughts of nearly four years ago.
More Law, Less Convictions
We cringe as the judicial system allows- or is obliged to let obviously guilty accused walk out of courtrooms as “freed” person- not even ”suspects” anymore.
Quite often we experience prosecutors- specially chosen attorneys, those from the