The post-mortem examinations performed on the bodies of Narendra Thakoor, who committed suicide after he chopped his partner Bhanmattie Devi Bacchus to death last week at Angoy’s Avenue, New Amsterdam, revealed that they died of poison ingestion and haemorrahaging respectively.

Bacchus, 28, went into shock due to the incised wound which led to her bleeding to death while her common-law husband, Thakoor, 44, died of poison ingestion, the police said in a release.
Although they had separated, Bacchus had met Thakoor last Wednesday morning, at his request, in an attempt to reconcile. But police said there was an argument and Thakoor attacked her with a cutlass, which he used to inflict chops to her neck and other parts of her body.
Afterward, Thakoor fled but police held him in the backdam area. They subsequently took him to the New Amsterdam Hospital, after being told that he had ingested poison. However, medical personnel at the hospital informed police that the man had not consumed any poison and he was taken to the Central Police Station, police said. It was there, several hours later, that he began vomiting and under questioning admitted that he had indeed ingested poison, they added. As a result, Thakoor was taken back to the hospital, where he succumbed.
Stabroek News was told that Bacchus and Thakoor had been living together for seven years and he was the father of two of her five children. She, however, had moved out.